Monday, 20 April 2015

Indonesian Money

 I have shown you the front and reverse side of a $10 000 note. In NZ money this is $1.

Here is a $100 000 note. How much is this in NZ money?
Look carefully at all of the notes here.
How much is this in Indonesian money?
How much is it in NZ money?
I can buy a T shirt for $15 000 in Indonesian money.
How much is this in NZ money?
If I used all of these notes in these photos, how many T shirts could I buy?
Would I have any change?

Good luck with this mathematical task!!!


  1. That is so so weird. hope you are having a great time from Molly

    1. It is weird for me too Molly.
      The only time in my life I'll be a millionnaire!!!

  2. Hello Mrs Taylor we find it interesting that $10,000 in Indonesia is $1 in New Zealand. Jack past his tables.By Ty Jack Aston.

    1. Well done Jack. Hope you enjoyed the photo shoot. How many NZ dollars would make me a millionnaire??

  3. Hi mrs Taylor its lewis and hunta again. $100,000 in nz is $10. Goodbye ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜ƒr

    1. Hello boys. For the first time in my life I am a millionaire!!! How much money in NZ dollars is this..

  4. Hi Mrs Taylor it is Michaela. How are you doing today at Indonesia and we are learning about animals in the war.

  5. Hello Michaela. It is very interesting here and this morning we visited an Islamic School. This afternoon we are going up into the mountains.

  6. Jasmine. The little taxis look very weird to me too. It is a motorcycle with a cover over it. They are very efficient in all the traffic!!!

  7. Hi Mrs Taylor it's Ty here.$15'000 Indonesia money is $1.50 in New Zealand๐Ÿ˜„ and you can buy16 t shirts and 10'000 change.

  8. Hi Mrs Taylor it's Ty here. I got mixed up. It's was suppose to be $20 change instead of $10 change sorry bye.

  9. Well done Ty. It is certainly confusing when you are dealing with such large amounts of money. We're getting pretty good at bartering now, to get good deals with our shopping.

  10. It's molly and its $1.50 for 15,000

  11. Hi Mrs Taylor it's Ali here.I Worked out the cost of the t shirt.It was $1.50.We miss you.❤️๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Hi Mrs Taylor, if it is 100,000 in Indonesian money then it is 10 in NZ money.
